shri gurumauli

Shri Gurumaulli Foundation as established in the 2008. Since then we are serving the society in following sector

  • Education
  • Environment
  • Sports
  • Women Empowerment
  • Rehabilitation
  • Counselling
  • Go-Shala (Cow-Shed)

Shri Gurumaulli Foundation as established in the 2008. Since then we are serving the society in following sector


We made a survey in normal schools to find the students weak in studies and social behavior. After surveying in many schools we came to know that every student has some problem regarding their studies in different aspects.

We Find below listed problems is students :
1. Poor concentration
2. Hyperactivity
3. Poor memory
4. Poor expressive language development
5. Reading and Writing difficulty
6. Overall slowness
7. Poor grasping capacity
8. Poor attention span
9. Improper studying habits
11.Adolescence problems
We started remedial classes on every Saturday and Sunday each for 2 hours. A


As our organization always works in environment sector. We arranged “Swachata Rally” in Ichalkaranji. With the grand success at Murgud Municipal Council as “Swachata Doot” we continued to work at same place and also nearby villages of Murgud. Started “Chicken waste collection” from 90 chicken shops, 40 mutton shops in Ichalkaranji city. We got near about 1 to 1.5 tons chicken waste daily. We send it for fish food.


As our organization always works in environment sector. We arranged “Swachata Rally” in Ichalkaranji. With the grand success at Murgud Municipal Council as “Swachata Doot” we continued to work at same place and also nearby villages of Murgud. Started “Chicken waste collection” from 90 chicken shops, 40 mutton shops in Ichalkaranji city. We got near about 1 to 1.5 tons chicken waste daily. We send it for fish food.


We arranged 5 days Kho-kho camp for the players in Kolhapur district. 10 teams participated in this workshop. We also arranged basic skill training program for the age group 10 to 20 on sports We organized many sports competitions.

Women Empowerment

The NGO has been working for women, every year we used to arrange various training programs like fashion designing, beauty parlor, cooking and purse making, acupressure. This will help them to become entrepreneur. This year woman training program was arranged in villages of karveer tahsil.Women health is also a big issue in villages.

Women are very much unaware and also careless towards their health. So we arraged various seminors on it. Health checkup camp also organization by sanstha.

Women Empowerment

The NGO has been working for women, every year we used to arrange various training programs like fashion designing, beauty parlor, cooking and purse making, acupressure. This will help them to become entrepreneur. This year woman training program was arranged in villages of karveer tahsil.Women health is also a big issue in villages. Women are very much unaware and also careless towards their health. So we arraged various seminors on it. Health checkup camp also organization by sanstha.


As we determined to start rehabilitation and training center at Kolhapur. We started surveying the needful persons for this. But it was not easy. People are not ready to admit in such centers. So we only started awareness against drinking liquor, having gutakha and tobacco, excess use of mobile phones. We explain them the bad effect of these on their health and family. Also convinced these are the main reason for their bad economic conditions.

Arranged lecture, seminars, rally against all these evil things. All colleges helped us by involving their students with us.


a) Social Counselling Center :
We are running a family counselling center at Ichalkaranji, In this center the people who have clashes within mother-in-law , daughter-in-law, husband-wife, bothers or any relation are getting benefit from this center. We provide best advice whether it is legal or social. We also used to do counselling of criminals to get rid from crime.

b) Student Counselling Center :
in this center we help students to know themselves better. We conduct their brain mapping test to know about themselves. The can know there learning style also. IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ, VQ all we tell to students and about their multipleintelligence with the help of brain mapping test. We consult them about right carrier for them.


a) Social Counselling Center :
We are running a family counselling center at Ichalkaranji, In this center the people who have clashes within mother-in-law , daughter-in-law, husband-wife, bothers or any relation are getting benefit from this center. We provide best advice whether it is legal or social. We also used to do counselling of criminals to get rid from crime.

b) Student Counselling Center :
in this center we help students to know themselves better. We conduct their brain mapping test to know about themselves. The can know there learning style also. IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ, VQ all we tell to students and about their multipleintelligence with the help of brain mapping test. We consult them about right carrier for them.

Go-Shala (Cow-Shed)

As we works in rural areas , we understand the importance of the Indian cow breeds . So we determined to start the Go-shala(cow-shed)to conserve them.and use them in “Prakrutik Sheti”(Natural Farming)

Discussion on Education System with Former Education Minister Hon. Radhakrishana Vikhe-Patil & Former Vidhansabha Adhyaksha Hon. Late. Babasaheb Kupekarso

World Women Day organized

Collection of waste plastic for making diesel at Gadhinglaj Nagarpalika

Swaccha Bharat Mission At Ichalkaranji (Chiken, Mutton & Hotel Waste Management)

Panchganga River Survey

Stress Management Seminar at Islampur Nagapalika

Brain & Mind Gym Seminar at Kolhapur Zilla Parishad & Various seminars at Colleges & parents

Counselling to Slum Area girls and women

Shri Gurumaulli Foundation

Contact Us

1st floor, Rajaram Stadium, opp State Bank of India, Main Road, Ichalkaranji 416115
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